Cheltenham College

Cheltenham College

Cheltenham College
Cheltenham College

Cheltenham College

In Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England, Cheltenham College is a prestigious public school (an independent day and boarding school) for students ages 13 to 18. The school, a Church of England foundation that was founded in 1841, is renowned for its exceptional academic, military, and sporting traditions.

There are roughly 640 students in Cheltenham between the ages of 13 and 18 (with a fifth being day students). The annual tuition ranges from roughly £31,000 to £43,000, making it one of the most costly schools in the UK. With the majority of students attending Russell Group institutions and about 7% continuing on to Oxford and Cambridge universities, the school is now co-ed and maintains a good academic reputation. The outcomes for GCSE and A Level are among the best in Gloucestershire.

Programs in Cheltenham College

Cheltenham College takes great pleasure in infusing wonder and joy into each educational experience at Pre-Prep. Cheltenham College has a holistic approach and is committed to working with families to help kids develop a lifetime love of learning, a curiosity for the world around them, and empathy for others. Children should start their adventure in a beautiful atmosphere, and the knowledgeable and experienced staff make every moment enjoyable. Cheltenham College fosters the mental, spiritual, physical, and emotional welfare of all students in the Nursery School and Pre-Prep, which are both secure and inspirational environments. Cheltenham College values manners, consideration, and good humor. Cheltenham College encourages student satisfaction and a strong sense of family throughout the Pre-Prep by fostering connections that are respectful and caring and are based on honesty and kindness. Children at Cheltenham College are given the self-esteem and confidence they need to succeed and produce outstanding results. In the early years, activities are more casual and might include anything from dressing up as beloved characters for "make-believe" day to exploring the outdoor island classroom. Cheltenham College offers a broad and varied curriculum in the Reception class, including French, Music, Drama, Well-Being, and Sport. Cheltenham College has the chance to explore all subject areas while having fun and enjoying ourselves! Cheltenham College transitions to a more formal learning environment in Years 1 and 2. English, math, and science are the main focuses of the Key Stage 1 curriculum that guides instruction. Broader topics including art, drama, geography, and history are also covered in special topics. Every day at Cheltenham College is enjoyable because of the continuing study of French, music, drama, well-being, and sport.

Every term in Year 2, Cheltenham College gets the chance to play for the school in school teams. In our games lessons, expert sports coaches instruct us, and Cheltenham College enjoys hosting other schools. Every term, plays and school events are held, providing us the chance to display our acting, singing, and dancing talents.

In the classroom at The Prep, students are engaged in the material and grow into resilient, divergent, and creative thinkers. Classes are lively because students actively participate in hands-on learning every day! Subject- and age-specific teachers expertly combine learning opportunities that are pertinent and personalized for each student from Nursery School through Year 8. The teachers make the most of every chance to utilize the outstanding grounds and resources to make lessons interesting and engaging both inside and outside the classroom.

The Prep wants to make sure that every student has complete assistance and may realize their full potential. While having a ton of fun, Cheltenham College holds all students, regardless of age or aptitude, to high standards and encourages them to embrace difficulties and view making and learning from mistakes as an important part of the learning process.

The Third Form curriculum covers a wide range of disciplines in addition to Latin when students are 13 and 14. These subjects include two modern languages, three sciences, and Latin. Additionally, all students complete the Foundation Project Qualification, and there are lessons on computing, leadership, and public speaking (FPQ).

Students in the Fourth and Fifth Forms study for the GCSEs and IGCSEs. These significant open tests serve as the cornerstone for the A Level and are crucial for both job applications and admittance to universities.

The majority of students complete ten GCSEs and IGCSEs, which typically include English Language, English Literature, Math, at least two sciences, and one modern foreign language. Four additional alternative subjects are offered to supplement these core subjects.

In the sixth form, sometimes known as upper college, students specialize by studying fewer courses in greater detail. Most students complete the Extended Project Qualification and three A Levels (EPQ). In topics where there is an alternative to the A Level, some students choose to take the CTEC or BTEC instead, while a small percentage choose to take four A Levels.

Cheltenham College aggressively supports topic diversity and the logical blending of the humanities, sciences, and languages. In contrast to other institutions, Cheltenham College makes every effort to respect each student's preferences rather than imposing predetermined blocks of studies.

Cheltenham College also values encouraging students to be inquisitive and go further into their studies. The academic extension activities, which include extension classes, Lower and Upper College Societies, evening subject society meetings, debating, tours, and visits, are an essential element of college life. The program not only fosters a lifelong love of learning but also encourages applications to higher education.

For students ages 16 to 18, the sixth form, sometimes known as upper college, is available. Students join us from other schools or from the Lower College, which is the term for Years 9 to 11. Every student in the sixth form receives help so they can reach their full potential and be prepared for life beyond school. Regardless of where you join us from, you have the option to board with the school or enroll as a day student.

You study three or four A Levels in the sixth form. This gives you the chance to continue studying your chosen subjects while branching out into other fields including psychology, business studies, economics, government, and politics. The classes are small, and you will have the assistance of academic tutors who have been hand-picked to ensure that you get the most out of your education. The students' A Level results demonstrate the efficacy of this strategy.

You will have the chance to pursue your interests outside of the classroom and put yourself in a position to realize your potential. You will participate in at least one of the weekly electives, which include Mini-MBA, Community Service, Italian for Beginners, Art History, Life Drawing, and Ancient History. Additionally, you will finish an extended project qualification (EPQ). This is your chance to go further into a subject that interests you and get the independent research and project management skills you'll need both in school and in the workplace.

Cheltenham College
Cheltenham College

School Life in Cheltenham College

Cheltonians actively participate in everything that is presented outside of the classroom in a very good and motivating way. Cheltenham College is extremely proud of the Combined Cadet Force and how it enables students to develop their leadership qualities, in addition to sport, music, drama, and Community Action. Students who participate in the Duke of Edinburgh program rise to the difficulties that Snowdonia and the Lake District present them with, earning awards ranging from Bronze to Gold. Third Form Challenge, a Wednesday afternoon event, helps students adjust to college life and quickly make friends with people in their year group. Finally, the Monday afternoon activities program gives students the chance to join a variety of organizations, including language film club, squash, debate, cuisine, reading, and much more. The co-curricular program is intended to supplement the academic experience. It teaches students struggle, perseverance, how to pick themselves up after failure, and how to appreciate the benefits of their labors long after they graduate from Cheltenham College. Students have the opportunity to expand their areas of interest and learn new skills outside the classroom through academic organizations and practical activity groups. The experiences not only give students a chance to succeed outside of the classroom, but they also present numerous opportunities to strengthen applications for higher education.

Since 1862, Cheltenham College has had a storied relationship with the armed forces. Today, the relationship is still quite potent. Every student at the College has the option to join the Combined Cadet Force (CCF) in the Fourth Form, and many decide to stay on after this.

Future Prospects after study in Cheltenham College

Around 25 students apply to both Oxford and Cambridge each year, and four to six of them receive offers. There were 10 students who applied to study medicine in 2022. Cheltenham College is also encouraged by the rising demand for degree apprenticeships in particular as well as for work-based learning opportunities in general. Recent departing employees have submitted applications to organizations as varied as JP Morgan, GCHQ, WSP, Cisco, PwC, BT, and The Royal Navy.


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