Copthorne Preparatory School

Copthorne Preparatory School

Copthorne Preparatory School
Copthorne Preparatory School

Copthorne Preparatory School

Copthorne Preparatory School is a successful co-ed day school serving students from 2 to 13 years old. It is located on 55 acres of playing fields and woodland and offers a wide range of extracurricular activities. It boasts an indoor pool, a sports arena, a theater, and large grounds where many matches are held on Wednesday afternoons before delicious match teas.

140 girls and 160 boys are now housed there. Both internal candidates (Year 7 admission) and external candidates (Years 11 and 12) are eligible for scholarships.

Originally known as Emsworth House, the structure that is now Copthorne Preparatory School belonged to the Kensington Family and was constructed as a private residence. Emsworth House was first used as a temporary residence for Twyford School in 1897 while their own structures were being rebuilt. It was later created as a boys' school in September 1902 by Mr. Bernard H. Rendall.

Programs in Copthorne Preparatory School

Your kid will learn to learn in Copthorne's nursery, which also fosters creativity, self-confidence, and joy. And you'll understand how much learning there is to be done as a parent of a child between the ages of two and four! There are kids enjoying fun, utilizing their imaginations, and absorbing new experiences among the sea of wellington boots and wet clothing. These are the pillars on which Copthorne Prep was constructed, and they effectively prepare students for the pre-prep years.

The selection of nursery activities is extensive. Some are optional, including dance, Spanish, and football. Depending on your child's age, other subjects like swimming, forest schools, music, and French are all included in the curriculum. Your child will have an abundance of options. Your sole decision is how frequently your youngster attends. Everything depends on you. For younger children, the minimum requirement is two mornings per week, and for rising fourth-graders, it is three mornings per week. Additionally, there is after-school care available until 6:00 PM.

The crucial foundation upon which everything is constructed is early childhood. The children's acquisition of critical life skills including curiosity, creativity, tenacity, imagination, confidence, and resourcefulness is the main objective. For this reason, Copthorne Preparatory School places a high value on offering both indoor and outdoor environments that cater to a child's specific needs.

The Coach House Nursery provides kids with the essential amount of unhurried time they need to get ready for Reception. This time allows them to grow as people, create relationships, make sense of the world in their own special ways, and cultivate their natural creativity and love of learning.

The early years foundation stage is the cornerstone for the curriculum. Communication and language, physical development, and personal and social development are the three main aspects that are particularly important for piqueing children's curiosity and passion for learning as well as for increasing their capacity to learn, make relationships, and thrive.

Literacy, mathematics, understanding the world, expressive arts, and design are four specific areas through which the three primary areas are developed and applied.

Copthorne Preparatory School enthusiastic and knowledgeable staff collaborate closely with parents to make sure that every child has the chances, pursuits, and tools to grow into a contented, self-assured, and independent person. Never one to rest on its laurels, Copthorne Prep School takes the lead in developing cutting-edge techniques like outdoor education within the lovely grounds.

As a parent of a four to seven year old, you'll understand how many varied activities your child can be engaged in during reception, years 1-2.

Copthorne Preparatory School
Copthorne Preparatory School

Copthorne Preparatory School provides a diverse and fascinating curriculum for the most active and inquisitive minds in our small class settings. Reading comprehension, mathematical and scientific reasoning are stressed heavily at Copthorne Prep School, where language, math, and science are the three main courses. Additionally, history, geography, religious instruction, French, art and crafts, information technology, music, and physical education will be introduced to your child.

The pre-prep is situated in a self-contained area just down the way from the prep and has its own all-weather playground, two large climbing frames, and the biggest sandpit in the neighborhood! The advantages of the main school facilities, such as the chapel, dining hall, theater, sports hall, swimming pool, and expansive playing fields, are also enjoyed by the kids.

Years 3 through 8 are covered by the prep school (children aged from 7-13). Your child will progressively gain confidence, a love of learning, and a sense of their obligations as a member of society throughout the course of these six years. Your kid will be pushed to attain their maximum potential, which will make them well-prepared for the transition to the senior school of their choosing.

In prep school, learning is exciting. It is where initiative is praised, independence is fostered, and curiosity is channeled. The curriculum is extensive but balanced, and your child will be evaluated to make sure that he or she keeps improving and gets the right kind of assistance and direction. A wide variety of extracurricular options are also available, and Copthorne Prep School boasts outstanding performing arts and creative arts facilities in addition to outstanding sports instruction.

Above all, Copthorne Preparatory School understands the value of pastoral care and works to create a safe, nurturing atmosphere for all students.

Every child's potential is recognized, their confidence is developed, and opportunities are presented at Copthorne Preparatory School.

The curriculum is supported by this mission statement and the Copthorne Preparatory School core principles. Copthorne Preparatory School recognizes that self-assurance and high self-esteem are necessary for a successful and enjoyable learning experience and works to provide children with the opportunity to realize their potential across the entire spectrum of academic, artistic, and physical disciplines that make up the curriculum.

Copthorne Preparatory School
Copthorne Preparatory School

School Life in Copthorne Preparatory School

Copthorne Preparatory School offers the young students at the nursery a wide range of chances and experiences in addition to the early years foundation level curriculum. Everyone can find something here!

The following is on offer on different days of the week:

  • Forest schools, using some of the wonderful 55 acres of school grounds
  • Swimming with enjoyment and water comfort in the school pool
  • French songs and vocabulary lessons
  • Street dance with reception children
  • Football with Tiny Tekkers
  • Tatty Bumpkin yoga sessions
  • Spanish lessons
  • PE classes that are held in the school's modern sports hall
  • Opportunities to celebrate harvest festival, mother’s day and other occasions in the school chapel

Numerous learning opportunities are opened up both domestically and internationally by regular educational visits and field trips. While the arts and language trips foster each student's greater creativity and linguistic ability, residential trips to outdoor activity centers help students improve their physical capabilities, character traits, and team-building talents. For the more energetic and daring, there is an annual ski trip to the Italian Alps, which is a highlight, as well as a residential trip for year 8 leavers to either France or the Peak District and a team-building residential for year 7 in Wales.

Students participate in a variety of play performances, frequent music concerts, and trips to theaters, concerts, and art galleries. The curriculum is broadened by guest speakers who portray a "day in the life of...," as well as by seminars in English, drama, music, and the arts.

With recent hires, it is now possible to offer outdoor activities both on and off-site. Popular options include climbing, kayaking, archery, orienteering, and campcraft. In particular by working parents, holiday clubs and overnight camping have also been enthusiastically accepted.

Copthorne Preparatory School has a long history of encouraging students to participate in the performing and expressive arts, and there are many opportunities for students to advance their abilities in these fields, including an art club, a pottery club, ballet, jazz dance, street dance, the school choir, the school orchestra, speech and drama groups, as well as instruction in a variety of musical instruments, to name a few.

Football, rugby, cricket, swimming, athletics, tennis, table tennis, fencing, karate, golf, and gymnastics are some of the extracurricular sports offered at Copthorne Preparatory School, which also encourages participation in regional and local events. Additionally, Copthorne Preparatory School  has clubs for history, STEM, IT, and craft. Chess lessons at the school have also aided in the growth of a very successful chess team.

Future Prospects after study in Copthorne Preparatory School

Year 8 students begin the enrichment program at Copthorne Prep School after their final exams, which are held in the middle of the summer term. Free from the restrictions of the exam syllabi, it is intended to enhance their learning and provide them opportunity to explore and broaden their knowledge beyond what is typically expected.

This is accomplished through a variety of activities and challenges, the majority of which are intellectual and a few of which are physical, all of which are designed to help year 8 students learn new skills and prepare them for the challenges they will face as they transfer to new schools and beyond.


In case, if you need help with Guardianship in order to study in Copthorne Preparatory School or other schools in the UK, please fill in application below or contact us directly.


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