Felsted Prep School

Felsted Prep School

Felsted Prep School
Felsted Prep School

Felsted Prep School

Children ages 4 to 12 can attend Felsted Prep School, an independent preparatory school close to London and Cambridge. The Felsted Prep School is divided into the four phases listed below, each of which has a separate Phase Head in charge of that section. Although Felsted Prep School occasionally has openings in other year groups, Reception (Stewart House), Year 3 (Ffrome Court), and Year 7 (Courtauld House) are the primary ports of entry.

Programs in Felsted Prep School

Due to the great demand for Felsted spots, parents frequently begin asking about spots for their kids several years before enrollment. As Felsted Prep School may provide pre-testing and early assurance of a place in specific year groups, Felsted Prep School does encourage this. Even if you are a late candidate, it is still worthwhile to get in touch with us because openings can occur at any time of the year, or Felsted Prep School can add the child to the waiting list.

Felsted Prep School urges you to speak with a member of the admissions team about your inquiry first. They may let you know about scheduling a tour and provide you pertinent materials, including a customized prospectus. When you are prepared, fill out the Felsted Prep School online registration form to enroll. Following that, you will be added to Felsted Prep School's list of applicants for the applicable year and contacted for taster days and testing as necessary.

Entrance exams for Felsted Prep School will be conducted on-site at Felsted in accordance with the pertinent rules and regulations for admittance in 2023. If alternative plans or modifications to the assessments are required, Felsted Prep School will let you know.

Candidates complete the following written assessments:

  • Non Verbal Reasoning 
  • Maths Reasoning paper 
  • Maths Arithmetic paper 
  • English Comprehension paper
  • English Writing paper 

The biggest and most significant adventure of the child's life is about to begin. Education. It's a lifetime journey that will go on throughout and after the many Felsted Prep "phases." The kid will begin their educational journey at Stewart House in a bright, contemporary structure with small class numbers and a setting that strikes a mix between aspirations and warmth, kindness, and appreciation. Academic excellence is highly valued, but so are smiles and enjoying oneself while studying. Along the journey, the child will meet a lot of friends and be known, encouraged, and cherished by caring and skilled teachers.

The best learning occurs when children are unaware that they are learning. Because of this, the majority of the child's education at Felsted Prep School will be topic-based and involve active and intentional play. A concrete experience that serves as a point of reference is used to introduce each topic. The activities that follow promote problem-solving, research, and teamwork. For instance, a trip to Stansted airport to meet a pilot could be used to introduce the idea of transportation. The youngster will later "fly" to Rome. The child will create a boarding pass and then proceed through security to board the school aircraft, which will also feature "in-flight entertainment" about the Trevi fountain.There will be lots of things to do when you get to Rome, like paint the Sistine Chapel and make pizza for lunch. Although Felsted Prep School is aware that the child will be sharpening literacy, numeracy, and scientific skills, the child will believe they are pretending to travel to Rome.

Felsted Prep School
Felsted Prep School

Timetables and lessons are tailored to provide the appropriate amounts of stretch and support. The pupils learn more about themselves with the aid of Felsted Prep School. They begin to develop confidence and courage as they figure out how they learn best and rise to the test of attempting new things.

Due to this, Felsted Prep School in Ffrome Court offers an expanded curriculum, and all students begin learning a stringed instrument in Year 3. In Year 4, all students also sit for the English Speaking Board Examination. Because of this, the child will get the chance to play for the school for the first time, participate in plays or concerts, and begin taking art, design technology, and ICT classes.

The following phase of Felsted's schooling in Cloisters shares many characteristics with traditional adventure tales: the youngster will be tested, stimulated, and given more major leadership responsibilities. You will grow in character and independence and acquire important life lessons. There is a safety net, though, unlike in some adventure fiction. Because the child's wellbeing is so important, committed form tutors will come to know the youngster incredibly well. Adventure and success go hand in hand with nurturing and support in Cloisters.

Academically, the youngster will now take classes from subject experts, allowing for a deeper level of study. Every student continues to participate in school sports in some capacity while still following individualized schedules and a broad curriculum. To encourage learning and aid in the development of the child's spiritual, cultural, and moral awareness, a larger range of excursions are offered.

Do you recall how eleven felt? Not a child anymore, but not a teenager either. Outgrown junior high, but a little intimidated by the prospect of being a tiny fish in a much larger senior high school pond. Courtauld House is the ideal remedy for this sensation. It blends the finest of childhood with a secure beginning to early adulthood, whether the child is coming to us from another school or moving up from Cloisters.

The child will attend all of his or her sessions in small groups with subject-matter experts, rotating between subjects in order to get used to the routines of high school. Setting is improved, and the child's learning begins to take a more self-directed course. High standards will be set for the child at Felsted Prep School in all areas, including public speaking, participation on teams for each age group, and Latin and German vocabulary development. But the child won't be left alone. The More Academically Able program, study techniques workshops, and expert coaching to advance a particular area are all available whenever needed.

Despite having its own facilities, Courtauld House, the child will begin eating lunch at the Senior School and taking advantage of some of the outstanding amenities there. Activities like Model UN and Round Square programs help to develop whole-school initiatives like promoting global awareness. To accommodate all the activities the youngsters will be eager to immerse themselves in, the school day has been extended to 6 pm, and Saturday morning classes are now required. When the child enters senior school, they will be properly equipped for the following phase of their educational journey.

For entry at 11+, Felsted Prep School provides two levels of Award.

Scholarships (often for academic, musical, or extraordinary athletic candidates): 10% maximum discount off day or boarding expenses.

Honorary reward for applicants who have not yet reached the level of a scholarship, the Mary Skill Award. This prize honors students who excel in one or more subjects with zeal and dedication. Although there is no monetary compensation for a Mary Skill Award, if considerable improvement is demonstrated in Years 9 or 12, it may be converted into a Scholarship.

Holders of scholarships and Mary Skill Awards get a framed diploma, access to enrichment opportunities pertinent to their field, real chances to improve their potential, mentoring, and feedback from experts on staff and coaches.

The choice of who receives an award and what kind of award they will receive is ultimately made by Felsted Prep School.

Felsted Prep School
Felsted Prep School

School Life in Felsted Prep School

For your convenience, Felsted Prep School offers a hot lunch and an extended day. The child will be safe and well-cared for here at the beginning and end of the day, regardless of whether you work, are delayed, or simply need assistance coordinating sibling pick-up times. The girl might want to hang out with pals in a club after school like French, Jazz Dance, or Judo, while the son would want to unwind with a snack. Like at home, it is quite adaptable.

Belonging is another essential life skill. Contributing to a society where you are respected and cherished is the finest way to create self-worth and a drive to achieve the best. The kid will have grown into a kind, helpful, and diligent member of the Felsted community by the time they transfer to Cloisters.

Children are frequently eager to experience boarding while they are in the Cloisters stage. The pressures of contemporary family life can, in fact, be eased by boarding, as many parents discover. The welcoming house staff will make the youngster feel at home whether they board for a few nights a week or longer.

Future Prospects

Courtauld House provides a seamless transition between Prep and Senior School in a closed-off setting, aiding in the growth of traits like independence, self control, and responsibility. By guiding younger kids through the Courtauld House leadership program, Felsted Prep School will assist the child in discovering who they are and teaching them what it means to serve as a role model.


In case, if you need help with Guardianship in order to study in Felsted Prep School or other schools in the UK, please fill in application below or contact us directly.


Main Application

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