Haileybury School

Haileybury School

Haileybury School
Haileybury School

Haileybury School

An academically demanding co-educational public school (English independent boarding and day school) for children aged 11 to 18 is called Haileybury School, formerly known as Haileybury and Imperial Service College. It is located close to Hertford in England. It accepts students at the 11+, 13+, and 16+ levels of study and is a part of the Rugby Group. Haileybury has more than 890 students, over 550 of whom board.

The Independent Schools Inspectorate gave Haileybury School a rating of "Excellent in all areas" in its 2022 Inspection Report (ISI).

Programs in Haileybury School

All of the students will have a solid learning framework thanks to the lower school curriculum at Haileybury School. The girls and boys will develop foundational knowledge and skills across disciplines, as well as thinking and learning skills, during these crucial years.

Subject-specific learning will be organized and structured in accordance with departments' preferences while subject-specific integrity will be upheld. But reading and literacy, oracy and discourse, independence and reflection, as described by the competences, will be at the heart of every topic.Students in middle school are urged to consider themselves as learners and to comprehend their learning profiles.While (I)GCSEs or GCSEs are the Middle School's capstone exams, the Removes year group's curriculum is just as significant.Students at Haileybury School continue to study the same fundamental subjects that they did in the Lower School, but they are also able to choose more ambitious language studies and creative arts programs.The fundamental curriculum at Haileybury School is still somewhat consistent, but a student at this stage could want to take up three languages or devote a substantial portion of their day to art.A pre-GCSE year is not the Removes year. GCSE courses are not currently being offered at Haileybury School. Instead, the curriculum at Haileybury School is created to inspire students to enjoy their classes.All students will learn mathematics, and at the end of fifth grade, everyone will take a test. At the conclusion of their GCSE years, all students will take exams in both English Language and English Literature. Additionally, all students will study science, which includes the study of biology, chemistry, and physics.The optional curriculum can be altered to fit the unique learning paths of each student. Although studying a modern language is not required, it is assumed that the majority of students will do so.While studying humanities is not required of all students, the majority choose to study geography, history, or religion.

Haileybury School
Haileybury School

The Extension Curriculum helps to strengthen the curriculum. Study of the Global Awareness Project is covered in modules. This project challenges students to think, challenge, and investigate while taking into account subject-specific information in an interdisciplinary framework. It is an excellent preparation for studies in the Sixth Form. Additionally, there is a Study Skills Module that will concentrate on revision techniques, exam literacy, and long-term memory.Every student in middle school (year 10) completes the global awareness project.The ability to conduct efficient research, recognize trustworthy sources, and then summarize their research succinctly and properly in their own words are just a few of the study skills that students learn. They examine the significance of academic integrity and proper reference, and they develop an awareness of the fundamental abilities required to effectively guide autonomous learning.The first term's teachings put a lot of emphasis on the Global Goals for 2030, which include providing all people with high-quality education and ending all forms of poverty. They take into account the difficulties people throughout the world confront and how these Global Goals might be accomplished by utilizing various creative solutions.At Haileybury School, the sixth form offers both boys and girls the thrilling opportunity to have a meaningful say in their career paths.With a customizable curriculum, students have the choice and flexibility to decide whether they want to pursue the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB) or A Levels.

The A Levels curriculum offers a targeted, in-depth learning experience. By picking three or four subjects, students can establish themselves as subject experts and dive deep into their chosen fields. Their pathways are harmonized with the core curriculum and supplemented with suitable electives.Students study the transdisciplinary components of learning and comprehension by balancing their subject selections across various fields. The Core, which includes Theory of Knowledge, The Extended Essay, and Creativity, Activity, and Service, is the nucleus of the Diploma.A comprehensive, linked learning opportunity is offered by the IBDP program.Students study the transdisciplinary components of learning and comprehension by balancing their subject selections across various fields. The Extended Essay, the Theory of Knowledge, and Creativity, Activity, and Service are their complementary routes.You must participate in at least one project and a variety of experiences as part of CAS. These ought to involve activities with a purpose and results that matter to you. You are required to reflect on the CAS activities you have completed by filling out a CAS journal. CAS activities give an opportunity for experiential learning.You are encouraged to participate in activities you create yourself rather than being forced to take part in projects or activities that have been assigned to you. Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award, leading a society or club, collecting money for a school charity, singing in the symphony or chorus, learning a new language, assisting at a nearby primary school, and participating on a sports team are a few examples of activities.

Haileybury School
Haileybury School

School Life in Haileybury School

In order to help each student overcome challenges, learn more about themselves, gain confidence, and create their own personality, Haileybury School offers a wide range of activities. Exploration outside the classroom, whether on the sports field, in the studio, in discussion, or elsewhere, is essential to this.Every child is unique, of course. The dedicated workers at Haileybury School have created an impressive selection of activities meant to both challenge and educate.There is something for everyone, from climbing and scuba diving to filmmaking and the Model UN, as well as innumerable more activities.The co-curricular opportunities offered by Haileybury School are intended to thrill students because they provide nearly endless opportunities for new experiences, emotional benefits, and character development.Every student at Haileybury School must know that they will never have to speculate about what may have been. Therefore, Haileybury School actively encourages students to carry out their ideas if they have any.Sport plays a significant role in Haileybury School life and helps students develop their leadership, collaboration, and physical, technical, and psychological skills.Sport gives students the chance to learn about themselves and others, frequently under pressure, and - as a release - it helps them perform better in school.This is a site of exceptional potential where all talent finds both a home and a stage, from the chapel choir to the symphony orchestra, chamber music ensembles to pop, rock, and jazz groups.Haileybury School is of the opinion that music should be a school-wide initiative, serving as the primary manifestation of culture. The students enthusiastically and shamelessly sing every day in Haileybury School's splendid Chapel. Our program offers a comprehensive view of music-making, encouraging students to be the best versions of themselves while also nurturing them.At Haileybury School, drama presents an extraordinary opportunity for introspection, self-expression, and communication.

Students of all ages can learn a variety of talents in addition to acting, including theatrical work, prop making, filmmaking, lighting, and sound.There are four extracurricular theatrical productions each year, as well as a variety of organizations and technical courses that students can join to further develop their love on or off stage.The Hertford Theatre has recently hosted the major school productions and allowed the general public admission.Students at Haileybury School also have the option of enrolling in LAMDA classes, working with a superb group of teachers through Exam Stars who offer top-notch instruction in solo, partnered, or group settings. Students may take the acting, improv, public speaking, and Shakespeare exams.

Future Prospects after study in Haileybury School

The A Level and IB students this year received outstanding results, and Haileybury School is incredibly pleased with them. 90% of A Level/IB grades were given at the level of A* to B.The majority of Haileybury School students go on to study at prestigious universities throughout the world and in the UK. In 2019, 65% of students who attended a UK university did so at a Russell Group institution. King's College London, Nottingham, Exeter, Leeds, and UCL are among the destinations, as are Sciences Po and Bocconi abroad, among many more.


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