Kent College Canterbury

Kent College Canterbury

Kent College Canterbury
Kent College Canterbury

Kent College Canterbury

Co-educational independent school Kent College Canterbury accepts day and boarding students between the ages of 3 months and 18 years. It was established in 1885 and is a part of the Conference of Headmasters and Headmistresses. It was initially founded as a public school for boys, but in 1973 it began accepting girls into the sixth form, and since 1975 it has been entirely co-ed. The senior school owns the adjoining Moat Estate, which contains a farm run by staff and students as well as sports fields, and is located on a semi-rural tract of about 70 acres (280,000 m2) on the outskirts of Canterbury. This and Blean Forest are close by.

Programs in Kent College Canterbury

The performance of a student over the next three years of school is largely dependent on how well they perform in their first three years at Kent College Canterbury. The student is nurtured and inspired to explore every possibility in lower school.In all of the essential curriculum areas, significant standards are set during the first three years of school. Inside the classroom, where the bar is always set high, students are assisted in establishing a strong work ethic. There are countless chances outside of the classroom, and each kid is encouraged to find their own special ability. Children who are less interested in the various group-based activities on offer will love exploring the Kent College Canterbury farm. All levels, from recreational to national, encourage participation in sport, art music, and theater.Throughout the first three years, team-building and personal development activities are offered, as well as various chances for domestic and international travel.When necessary, Kent College Canterbury is able to provide the services of occasional and weekly boarding, ensuring that each child's education is not interfered with and giving parents peace of mind if they must be away from home throughout the school year.Kent College Canterbury takes great pride in its capacity to offer individualized schedules at this level. The students are given the freedom to choose. The ability to be flexible enables for the customization of courses for each student.The majority of pupils will follow a curriculum that requires them to take religious studies, math, English language, and literature as required subjects. Thereafter, they will select one of the following topics for their extra examinations: Science, technology, design, and the arts Spanish, Drama, Electronics, French, Media, Food and Nutrition, German, Geography, History, Music, Physical Education, Physics, Spanish, Design and Technology Resistant Materials, and Graphic Goods.Many activities offer the chance to show leadership, but none more so than taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh award. The Bronze Award is frequently followed by the Gold Award in the Sixth Form.School life includes music, sports, and theater, and recent Kent College Canterbury plays have focused on the abilities of students in this age range.

In addition to the examination sessions, there is a schedule of PSHE lessons that includes activities focused on discussion-based learning, work experience, and career education.The pre-IB program is designed for students who want to complete their GCSEs in a year before entering the sixth form. Students' schedules are created specifically for them based on their needs and interests. It is typical to study a combination of English, math, science, and humanities, and this is funded by additional fees.Since one of the main goals of this program is to improve spoken and written English, students are included into regular teaching groups. For those who require it, further English language instruction is also available. This course offers top-notch preparation for the International Baccalaureate or A Levels in the Sixth Form.One of the top 50 UK Independent schools for the proportion of students earning A*-B grades at A Level is Kent College Canterbury, which has received certification. For its A level results, the school is ranked among the top 10 in Kent.The environment provided by Kent College Canterbury's Sixth Form enables students to earn the highest marks possible. Although teachers have high expectations for their students, they are all conscious of the need to support individuals who find the A-level coursework difficult, and staff members are always prepared to provide one-on-one assistance. Students are consequently encouraged to plan their own learning as much as they can under rigorous but flexible working settings. In addition to a standard set of A-levels, Kent College Canterbury also provides a wide choice of additional possibilities, such as Applied courses and OCR Nationals.

Each day students have a permanent place to study at the Sixth Form Centre, which also has a common area. Year 13 boarders are allowed to work in their personal study spaces.Anyone looking to consult reference materials can do so in the well-stocked library. Individuals who struggle with autonomous work may also be required to participate in supervised study sessions. Every student receives a MacBook laptop computer for use in their coursework and research.The IB Diploma is a fascinating program that emphasizes a student's personal growth as a well-rounded person in addition to intellectual advancement. It is accepted by all UK universities and has a high level of esteem around the world. The Diploma provides a depth of understanding and a variety of abilities that are valued by both businesses and higher education.

Students can choose six subjects for the IB Diploma from a variety of subject areas, including literature, a foreign language, the humanities, science, math, and an optional arts subject. Also, students conduct research and produce an extended essay on a topic of interest to them; institutions greatly value this kind of work. Students also receive credit for their extracurricular activities in Creativity, Action, and Service in addition to their academic work by taking a course on the Theory of Knowledge.

School Life

The amazing variety of extracurricular activities offered at Kent College Canterbury is one of its greatest assets. The activities program is made to enable each student to identify one or more topics in which they can learn about and hone their talents.All students are encouraged to participate in at least two activities starting in Year 7. There are activities during lunchtime, after school, and on the weekends. The typical team sports, musical groups, gardening, and Young Farmers are all represented. All students at Kent College Canterbury are encouraged to compile a portfolio of their extracurricular activities throughout their time in school, which are all centralized recorded. Each student accumulates a lot of evidence by the conclusion of their time in school, which may subsequently be used to support the crucial UCAS application or CV.Kent College Canterbury is a university with a rich sporting heritage. The curriculum of Kent College Canterbury is widely regarded for offering a robust sports program as a component of it. The school appreciates the significant role that sport plays at both the elite and participation ends of the performance pyramid and views it as an essential component of a student's life.Kent College Canterbury places a strong emphasis on music, and its outstanding music department provides students of all ages and skill levels with a wide range of opportunities. The goal is for music to be enjoyable and productive while being taught in a happy and energetic environment, enabling students to perform and advance to the best of their abilities. Three employees, as well as a committed group of visiting music teachers, are totally committed to advancing both the highest standards and the enjoyment of music. Throughout the academic year, there are various musical performances and many students learn an instrument. Additionally, the GTX Arts Scholarship Program guarantees that students' musical skill is fully cultivated and nurtured while they are at Kent College Canterbury.

Kent College Canterbury
Kent College Canterbury

Future Prospects

The Vital Skills curriculum emphasizes post-Kent College Canterbury planning, and students are carefully led through the various alternatives and opportunities accessible to them. Students are assigned a teacher as part of the Year 13 Key Skills program to assist them with their UCAS and international university applications. The Head of Sixth Form is in charge of this procedure. Students learn how to write personal statements and resumes, and attending the annual University and Apprenticeship Fair encourages them to begin thinking about their potential career paths. Throughout the year, Kent College Canterbury hosts speakers from a variety of British colleges, offers guidance on the scholarship and application procedures for the United States, offers presentations on the GAP year and volunteer opportunities from reputable businesses.

A number of additional options exist for people to find inspiration and knowledge, such as suitable summer schools, subject-specific days, and fairs for universities, careers, and apprenticeships. A personal statement writing workshop, chances for gap years, USA scholarships, and discussions about pursuing specialized fields like law, medicine, and veterinary science are all covered by visiting lecturers who speak at Kent College Canterbury. Kent College Canterbury arranges trips to the institutions for students aiming for Oxford or Cambridge, where they can meet alumni and admissions advisers. They also offer individualized support throughout the application process.


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