Guardianship in Edinburgh

Guardianship in Edinburgh

Guardianship in Edinburgh
Guardianship in Edinburgh

Guardianship in Edinburgh

According to British and Irish Law, underage students need to have a guardian if they come to Britain to study for more than twelve weeks and their parents live outside of the country. Hence, it’s extremely important to find someone who can provide guardianship in Edinburgh or any other British city to be admitted to an educational establishment in the UK. Actually, boarding schools also shoulder responsibility over a child, but a person who will provide the services of guardianship in Edinburgh is also of great importance, as they will be called upon during some controversial situations when a child will need protection from a party, subjective in their views. It means guardians play the role of a parental figure for a child while their real parents reside outside of the United Kingdom. 

Who can provide guardianship in Edinburgh? 

The services of guardianship in Edinburgh and other cities inside the United Kingdom can be provided by a relative or a special agency. To be eligible to provide this kind of services, a person has to meet the following requirements: 

  1. They are over the age of twenty-five.
  2. A person who is willing to take guardianship in Edinburgh over a child needs to have proper housing. For this reason, residents of students' dormitories are not allowed to apply for this status. 
  3. Guardianship in Edinburgh requires a person not to have a criminal record or a history pertinent to pedophilia and drug abuse. 
  4. Brothers and sisters of a child can’t take guardianship in Edinburgh over their siblings. Still, aunts and uncles are allowed to become legal guardians for their nephews and nieces. 

Once a person is appointed as a legal guardian of a child, they have to perform a number of functions. So, guardianship in Edinburgh presupposes the following responsibilities: 

  1. Attending school meetings organised for parents; 
  2. Hosting a child over whom guardianship in Edinburgh was taken, when they’re expelled from school or ill. 
  3. Making decisions on behalf of parents when emergency medical treatment or surgery is needed.
  4. Helping a minor who has been given guardianship in Edinburgh with document arrangement, visas, and applications.

If parents don’t have a relative living in the United Kingdom, they can find an agency that specializes in providing the services of guardianship in Edinburgh. Parents don’t need to worry about the reliability of the companies. They are obliged to get special accreditation to have the right to provide the services of guardianship in Edinburgh, and have experience in performing the tasks described above. They usually charge from £4,000 to £5,000 for the services of guardianship in Edinburgh, but the final cost will be known once parents decide what package to choose. For example, for an extra cost, it’s possible to ask agency workers to visit a child in a boarding school or give them a specific sum of money once in a particular period of time.

Guardianship in Edinburgh
Guardianship in Edinburgh

Why Guardianship in Edinburgh?

Surely, the process of document arrangement and finding guardianship in Edinburgh is tiring. But it’s worth it, as the capital of Scotland is a centre of education, where students from all around the world come to study medicine, philosophy, engineering, and other fields. With a population of more than five hundred thousand people, it makes it the second most populated city in Scotland and the seventh most populated in the United Kingdom. On top of that, the city is estimated to be the second financial centre in the United Kingdom and is visited by more than 2.4 million foreign citizens every year. 

Here, tourists visit the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland. The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland is also held annually in the city once a year. Besides, Edinburgh boasts a number of renowned universities and colleges, including the University of Edinburgh, which is ranked fifteenth in the world university rankings.  

This public research university was founded in the sixteenth century, which makes it one of the four most ancient universities in Scotland. It’s not only a part of the Russell Group but also the League of European Research Universities and Una Europa. 

Every year, over 35,000 students enroll in university programs, giving it the status of the eighth-largest university in the United Kingdom. The University's nine faculties provide students with study programs in three colleges: Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, and Science and Engineering. In turn, colleges is comprised of schools that focus on a specific discipline or a set of connected disciplines. In total, the University of Edinburgh is comprised of twenty-one schools. 

The Medicine and Veterinary Medicine College at the university attracts a huge number of students from different countries, as it’s one of the most unique and oldest educational establishments in the world, offering truly high-quality education in this field. The college graduated thirteen Nobel prize laureates, who excelled in Physiology and Chemistry.

The College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences has the following schools: School of Divinity; School of Health in Social Science; School of Literature, Languages, and Cultures; School of Law and a number of others.  

International students are offered a chance to get a scholarship to study at the University of Edinburgh. For example, there is a special scholarship for outstanding knowledge of Mathematics awarded to undergraduate students. It’s worth £5,000 per academic year, and if a student continues to show high results in the academic program, then the period of a scholarship will be extended. 

Guardianship in Edinburgh
Guardianship in Edinburgh

The School of Veterinary Studies awards a scholarship that is also worth £5,000 per academic year and can be tenable for a whole degree program if an international student continues to excel at their academic studies. Another scholarship can be awarded to five undergraduate international students by the School of History, Classics, and Archaeology. It’s worth £1,000 and is awarded once only. To be eligible for undergraduate programs offered by the University of Edinburgh, international students who come from non-English-speaking countries need to have a high level of the English language and hold a valid certificate of an official exam, like IELTS, GCSE, CAE, or TOEFL.

If a student’s English level is insufficient, they may take a course in Academic English either before starting the main studies or after it. There is a ten-week program held during the summer period that lasts from mid-June to the end of August. It costs around £5,300, while a six-week summer program costs around £3,200.

During studying at the University of Edinburgh, students can take part in the exchange programs and visit one of the forty countries in the world, studying a semester or two at the University of Amsterdam, University of Virginia, University of Helsinki, University of Sydney, and a number of other educational establishments that the University of Edinburgh has international exchange agreements with. 

It's highly recommended to finish high school in the UK before looking for the right institution of higher education in the city of Edinburgh or other British cities. At least, taking a school academic program, lasting for a semester, will give a student a clue if the British system of education suits their needs. One of the boarding schools in Edinburgh you may choose for this purpose is St.George’s Edinburgh. It’s an independent school for girls that was established in 1888. Girls of all age groups from all around the world are welcome at St.George's. As a part of the admission process, international students have to take a test that aims at assessing their level of English and knowledge of Math. If a student falls behind in the English language, they’re offered the opportunity to take extra English classes that cost £900 per semester. 

Guardianship in Edinburgh
Guardianship in Edinburgh

The boarding house is located in the centre of Edinburgh and has places for forty-five girls, from ten to eighteen years old. The number of places is split between local and international students. This gives international students an opportunity to communicate in the English language and adapt to the new environment more easily. Together with it, international boarders’ national festivals and customs are celebrated, bringing them a sense of home and making their culture feel valued. The school itself comprises more than 730 students and is located in the parkland, overlooking Edinburgh Castle. Aside from academic classes, students can participate in a variety of extracurricular activities and clubs, including the Model United Nations and Debating club, orchestras, choirs, and bands, the Engineering club, and fundraising events. Girls may also become members of tennis, lacrosse, and judo teams and participate in a number of other athletic activities. A number of events are held in conjunction with another boarding school for boys, called Merchiston Castle School. It’s also an independent school with around 470 students, from age seven to eighteen. Here, boys on full boarding also participate in different events organised by the school. Full-time boarders enjoy trips to the town and theatres, debating clubs, indoor football; and other entertaining social events. Moreover, the school boasts its rugby team that often participates in different international competitions. Merchiston Castle School won the Rugby Cup seven times in the competition among all schools in Scotland. 


In case, if you need help with Guardianship and Accommodation in Edinburgh with aim to study in the UK, please fill in application below or contact us directly.


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