Guardianship in Leicester

Guardianship in Leicester

Guardianship in Leicester
Guardianship in Leicester

Guardianship in Leicester 

Have you come up with an idea to send your child to study in the United Kingdom? Then you know that in order to do so, you must find someone willing to provide the services of guardianship in Leicester or another city in the country. It is British and Irish law that requires a legally appointed guardian for a minor whose parents live outside of the United Kingdom and who is enrolled in an academic program lasting more than twelve weeks. A boarding school also takes responsibility over the children who study within its walls, but they call upon a guardian when some controversial situations occur. That’s why it’s important to find someone who will take guardianship in Leicester over a child, as they will serve as their layer of safety and a parental figure to whom a child can always resort.  

Who can provide guardianship in Leicester? 

Basically, parents have two options when looking for guardianship in Leicester. Such services can be provided by a relative of a child or an agency. The latter option can be more reliable, as to legally provide the services of guardianship in Leicester, an agency should obtain a special accreditation. They usually charge from £4,000 to £5,000, depending on the number of services parents want them to provide to a child. There are some basic tasks that a person, who provide the services of guardianship in Leicester has to perform. 


  1. They have to help a child to arrange documents and applications. 
  2. A person who takes guardianship in Leicester over a child needs to host them during school breaks and holiday periods. 
  3. They need to attend meetings and events organised by a boarding school for parents. 
  4. The one, who is willing to provide the services of guardianship in Leicester has to be ready to render decisions on behalf of parents in case of an emergency or when urgent medical treatment is needed for a child. 


As you can see, providing the services of guardianship in Leicester entails a load of responsibility. That’s why the requirements for people who want to become guardians are also stringent. 

First, siblings of a minor can’t become guardians of a child, while aunts and uncles can. 

Second, a person who wants to take guardianship in Leicester over a minor, for obvious reasons, can’t have a criminal record, connected with drugs or pedophilia.

Third, guardianship in Leicester can be provided only to a person who has proper housing conditions. For this reason, residents of accommodation provided by universities and colleges can’t be appointed as legal guardians. 

And fourth, people who are younger than twenty-five are also prohibited from providing services related to guardianship in Leicester. 

Most probably, agencies will be more knowledgeable about all the British legislative procedures and will be aware of how to behave in different situations as described above. That’s why most British boarding schools recommend parents find the right agency and use the guardianship in Leicester services provided by them. 

Why Guardianship in Leicester?

Obviously, the process of arranging all the necessary documents and applications and finding the most suitable options for guardianship in Leicester is gruelling. But the educational establishments of Leicester are surely worth the effort. Leicester itself is a big city, located on the bank of the River Soar and near the eastern part of the National Forest. According to the 2016 census, the city was inhabited by more than 350 thousand people, and it was the eleventh most populated city in England. It also boasts the second most prosperous economy in the East Midlands, having thriving textile and engineering industries. 

There are two universities located in the city: the University of Leicester and De Montfort University

The latter was established in 1870, but obtained its present status as a public, degree-awarding university in 1992. It was initially founded as the Leicester School of Art and then was named after Simon de Montfort, an Earl of Leicester who lived in the thirteenth century.

Today, De Montfort University encompasses four faculties: Art, Design, and Humanities; Business and Law; Health and Life Sciences; and Computing, Engineering, and Media. 

These four faculties offer over three hundred courses at undergraduate, postgraduate, and foundation level, such as Media, Law, Art and Design, Humanities and Performing Arts and a number of others. 

Students may achieve an Honours Bachelor's Degree in Acting. The program lasts for two years, filled with intensive practice of acting. Students develop their skills for performing in classical and contemporary theatre, learn clowning and dancing for TV and stage. 

If a student doesn’t have a sufficient level of the English language, they may take an English language course that may last from four to thirteen weeks, depending on the student's initial level of English. 

Undergraduate tuition fees for international students are around £14,750 on average, while the cost of Engineering and Computing programs is around a thousand pounds higher. 

The cost for postgraduate studies varies according to a program—on average it’s from £12,000 to £14,000 for the full-time mode. 

The university supports international students to finance their education if they show high academic achievements. There is also a scholarship that is worth £1,500 offered to the students who applied and paid for their education earlier. A 20% discount is given to post-graduate students as part of the collaborative programs with the University of Leicester. 

International students who decide to take a program at De Montfort University or have a course in the English language are provided with a place in residence. Overall, there are nine halls of residence, with the weekly price ranging from £95 to £155. All rooms are fully-furnished and self-catered, which allows students to leave and come home whenever they want. 

Before starting one’s studies at De Montfort University, the University of Leicester, or other British universities, international students may consider taking an academic program at a boarding school. By doing so, international students may start to get used to the studies conducted in the English language and the British system of education. One of the available options among boarding schools in the area of Leicester is Ratcliffe College. There are several buildings that comprise the school, including a church and squares, all designed in the Victorian Gothic style by Pugin, a famous English architect of the nineteenth century. 

Guardianship in Leicester
Guardianship in Leicester

This coeducational independent school was founded in 1845 as a seminary, and today it has 850 students studying within its walls. All students from the age of three to eighteen are welcome at Ratcliffe College, but boarding is available to students from the age of eleven. It means that international students who reach the age of eleven can become a part of the Ratcliffe College community. International students need to take a test that aims at assessing international students’ knowledge of English, Math, and Sciences to be admitted to the school. Then, it’s necessary to attend an interview with the headmaster of Ratcliffe College. Apart from the main academic program, there is a summer program available at Ratcliffe. During the summer program, international students learn the English language together with such core subjects as Media Production, Design and Technology or Sports. Ratcliffe College is also an examination centre for Cambridge Assessment of English, which means that a student can take the CAE exam right after or during the summer program.  

This school is a partner of Leicester City Football Club and has a great cricket ground that allows students to participate in various competitions while practicing their skills at the top-quality athletic facilities of the school.

Ratcliffe College offers a GCSE program lasting three years, offering to the students in year nine. The school offers more than twenty-five subjects to choose from. Besides, they have a chance to take part in various extra-curricular activities without compromising their main academic studies. The school day starts at 8.20 a.m. and lasts till 4.10 p.m., which means that all the rest of the time can be devoted to some fulfilling activities. Students may also go for tea served in the refectory, before going to clubs and teams. There are Art Club, Puzzle Club, Strings Ensemble, Swimming Training, Warhammer Figure Building, and Spitfire Project students can participate in. 

In addition to this, full boarders participate in a number of events organised for them every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evening. They may go on trips to museums, theatres, and galleries; go kayaking and bike riding; visit Christmas markets; or organise their own celebrations of holidays. 

As for the boarding, there are different buildings for boys and girls. Students have meals together in a shared refectory. They also share lounges and activities rooms. It all helps to build a sense of community, as local and international students are constantly communicating with each other and raising intercultural awareness. Full Boarding at Ratcliffe College costs around £35,000 per academic year. This cost includes weekend trips and activities. International students can take additional English classes if they need, which will cost around £900 per semester. 

In case, if you need help with Guardianship and Homestay in Leicester, please fill in application below or contact us directly.


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