Bedford Preparatory School

Bedford Preparatory School

Bedford Preparatory School
Bedford Preparatory School

Bedford Preparatory School

The county town of Bedford in England is home to the public Bedford Preparatory School , an independent day and boarding school for boys.

Within the grounds of Bedford School is where Bedford Preparatory School is situated. It serves 450 boys between the ages of 7 and 13, is housed on the same campus as the Upper School, and, despite sharing a number of facilities with the Upper School, operates independently with its own identity and character.


The curriculum seeks to assist boys in developing into autonomous, lifelong learners who recognize the value of hard effort, taking calculated chances, being resilient, learning from mistakes, and continuously striving to improve.

Small classrooms for boys foster their gifts while fostering a safe and supportive learning atmosphere. The form tutor doubles as the core subject instructor for the first two years of school. The boys must, in the opinion of Bedford Prep School, feel cared for and supported.

As students advance through the Bedford  School , class sizes are purposefully kept small so that the boys receive the support and attention they need to succeed. Boys in Years 5 and up benefit from having a form tutor who meets with them daily and typically teaches them in one topic. Through getting to know them and assisting them in realizing their unique potential, the tutors lead the boys as they progress through the Bedford Preparatory School.

The National Curriculum informs the schemes of work, which are then molded by the school to infuse the curriculum with the school's strong values, teach boys tolerance and mutual respect, and give them the confidence to make and learn from mistakes.

As the boys advance through the school, more specialized instruction is offered. For the first two years of Bedford School , the Class Teacher has the majority of the responsibility for topic teaching. It is typical for the class teacher to teach a sizable number of subjects in years three and four, including the key disciplines of science, math, and English. In specialized facilities for French, Art, ICT, Music, and Design, boys are taught by specialists. All boys will also receive lessons in swimming and physical education in addition to two double lessons in games. Boys are also urged to participate fully in the extensive extracurricular schedule.

Bedford Preparatory School
Bedford Preparatory School

The academic and pastoral structure is altered starting in Year 5. Every kid is thoughtfully assigned to a form with a pastoral tutor who instructs those boys in one subject. Naturally, as the curriculum expands, so do the demands for performance in terms of homework and assessments. Boys are first set for Mathematics in Bedford Preparatory School Year 5 according to their most recent results. This is based on indicators of underlying performance and competence in the fundamental subjects. Boys start Latin in Year 6. Boys in Year 7 and Year 8 are taught in one of the five groups for each year, which are still set up according to prior performance and underlying ability. The incorporation of new languages in Year 7 is a significant step that maintains the curriculum's breadth. Boys will study German, Latin, and Spanish in Year 7 in addition to French and Latin, and they will be able to choose to study two of the four languages in Year 8 if they so want. Boys will assume leadership roles in their House and across the school, in addition to the normal increase in academic demands.

The Bedford Preparatory School is dedicated to creating a learning atmosphere where each student receives the encouragement and challenge needed to reach their greatest potential. As part of the broader inclusion strategy, the needs of students with particular difficulties as well as those who are able, gifted, and talented are acknowledged. The Bedford Preparatory School understands the value of spotting a variety of skills and talents and offering chances to develop them.

The Bedford Preparatory School is adamant about the value of prep. It enhances one's memory and cognitive abilities, fosters independence, and cultivates effective study habits for later in life. Boys may practice prioritizing, managing their time properly, and being organized. It teaches children how to utilize tools like web pages and libraries.

Each boy's prep at the Bedford Preparatory School will include a variety of activities that have been organized by teachers (as well as the boys themselves along with their parents to promote learning). Boys can be asked to do some reading, research, gathering, or finding in order to get ready for the following session. It could take the shape of practicing, reviewing, or using a skill that was taught in class that day; this is crucial for consolidating and overlearning. It might just be reading, one of life's most enjoyable and significant pastimes. Additionally, it might be for creative enrichment and extension, as well as occasionally for finishing up work that was started in a session.

In order to support the learning that occurs during the school day, Bedford Preparatory School also thinks it's critical to establish solid connections between learning at home and at school.

Successful home-schooling partnerships depend on open communication, thus every effort is made to let parents know how and what their son is learning. In return, Bedford Prep School requests that parents maintain communication, whether it be through a note in a Prep diary, an email, a conversation on the playground, or a formal Parent Evening. Each boy has the best chance to realize his potential thanks to the strong home-schooling relationship.

Bedford Preparatory School
Bedford Preparatory School

School Life 

It's crucial to keep boys active and challenge their developing minds. The students at Bedford Preparatory School are encouraged to take part in a variety of extracurricular activities, such as cross-country running, rugby, theater, baking, and much more. They can participate in a conker competition, join a quiz team, construct a canoe, or learn how to ski.

Each year the group has a theater performance, and there are also numerous musical ensembles, sports teams, and organizations to suit a variety of interests.

Boys have plenty of time to participate in some of the many and varied activities Bedford Preparatory School offers during their extended lunch breaks and designated time before and after school, which helps to increase their sense of global knowledge, physical fitness, and excitement for studying. One of Bedford Preparatory School defining characteristics is its comprehensive approach, which is essential in developing the successful, all-around young men who graduate from Bedford.

Drama is the best team sport since it promotes cooperation, mutual trust, and self-assurance while providing everyone with pleasurable entertainment. Additionally, Bedford Preparatory School  boys get the grace and confidence necessary to speak in front of crowds—skills that will serve them well in the future.

At Bedford Preparatory School , there are musical opportunities for everyone, from beginners through grade eight and beyond. Boys can learn to play a number of instruments at Bedford Preparatory School through individual and group instruction beginning at the beginner level.

Regardless of talent, Bedford Preparatory School seeks to foster the curiosity and creativity of every kid from their very first days with us. Boys learn a variety of creative skills in a secure and welcoming setting in the beautiful Art and DT studios.

According to Bedford Preparatory School, maintaining a healthy body and mind requires regular physical activity. The school's philosophy is to support each student in discovering his unique sporting abilities. Numerous sports, including rugby, hockey, cricket, golf, skiing, cross-country running, badminton, swimming, and even rowing, are professionally coached by this organization.

Numerous excursions are provided by Bedford Preparatory School to complement the curriculum and have fun. The excursions and tours take learning outside of the classroom and give the boys a wide variety of opportunities. 

When boys enroll in Y3, they get to visit the lovely field study facility at Ickwell several times. These outings, which include a "get to know you day," give the boys the chance to spend time away from home with their peers and teachers and to begin forming the friendships that will continue throughout their school years and beyond.

The Bedford Preparatory School offers a variety of stimulating overnight stays and day outings for the boys. Boys like sleepovers at the Science Museum in London, which is nearby. The Y4s get the chance to go on a weekend adventure excursion, and the Y5-Y6 can go on an adventure vacation in Bude over the summer.

Bedford Preparatory School
Bedford Preparatory School

Future Prospects 

The specialized Future Skills Curriculum teaches content and topic-specific skills for each subject while specifically developing skills, qualities, and characteristics to make sure that every boy practices these skills and competencies consistently and reflects on the school ideals. According to Bedford Preparatory School , doing so encourages boys to succeed not only in the Prep School but also as they go to the Upper School and in life at large. Boys naturally move on to the Upper School after their time at Bedford Preparatory School comes to a conclusion. This shift is made easier by familiar faces, settings, and teachers. Both the results of the end-of-year exams and the online Bedford Preparatory School Assessment Test (BSAT) that all boys take in December are used to determine their setting in the Upper School. Successful BSAT test takers may be invited to apply for a 13+ academic scholarship. Boys who excel in sports, music, theater, or golf have the opportunity to apply for an unique Bedford Preparatory School scholarship.


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