Bede’s School

Bede’s School

Bede’s School
Bede’s School

Bede’s School

Bede's School is made up of a senior school located in Upper Dicker, Hailsham, East Sussex, England, as well as a preparatory school and pre-preparatory nursery at Holywell, Meads, Eastbourne, East Sussex, England. These make up the Bede's School Trust, an educational nonprofit, along with the Legat School of Dance. All three institutions are autonomous and fee-based. While the schools are closed, exchange students attend Bede's Summer School at their respective locations.

As of September 2012, the schools' names were changed from St. Bede's to Bede's Senior School, Prep School, Pre-Prep, and Nursery.

Programs in Bede’s School

In Eastbourne, East Sussex, close to the water, is Bede's Nursery. Education is available at Bede's beginning at three months old. Every child is special because of their individual talents, requirements, and qualities. Children are raised in a genuinely comprehensive manner at Bede's Nursery. Our motivation is to assist and direct every youngster to be inquisitive, self-assured, and inspired. The necessity of striking the correct balance between "Adult-Led" and "Child-Initiated" learning is acknowledged at Bede's Nursery.

Bede's can expose kids to fresh perspectives, provide them chances to hone their skills, and make sure they cover all Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) subjects through adult-led activities .

From Bede's babies to Reception, the range of curriculum that each child at Bede's Nursery experiences requires careful planning, and the attention the school attributes to the planning is a reflection of the requirements of the particular kids in a given Nursery room.

Every child's educational journey at Bede is characterized by the school's ethos of balancing various learning preferences and individualized planning. Parents are also urged to go over the plans with their children in the classroom because they might be able to continue the learning at home.

Each year group's curriculum at Bede's Prep School is geared at fostering learning, personal development, and progress. The curriculum at Bede's is extensive, interesting, and created to help students achieve their highest levels of potential. These educational programs give kids a wide range of abilities, in-depth subject knowledge, and unquenchable curiosity.

When students are in Year 5, lessons are more formally organized and divided into sections by subject, but this does not mean that the approach is any less varied. The children, on the other hand, are becoming more capable and eager for more challenges.

Bede’s School
Bede’s School

Each curriculum includes a "hidden curriculum" that changes and becomes more demanding as the students advance through the year groups. These skills are acquired through the way students are treated and the standards their teachers set, which are informed by conversations among teachers, tutors, and Heads of Year. Like everything else at Bede's, the concealed curriculum is adjusted and customized to each student's requirements, abilities, and learning preferences. Every student will leave Bede's Prep with a distinctive academic record, a set of strong personal principles, and a clear set of aspirations specific to them since what is good for one kid may not be right for another.

Of course, Bede's has high academic expectations for its students, and the exceptional professors there work really hard to arouse passions in them for both particular courses and learning in general. Every student at Bede's is expected to meet the highest standards, and Bede's can be a little bit strict in its quest of excellence. To make it happen, all students, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or special educational needs, have equal access to the curriculum, and all curriculum components—academic courses, the arts, music, practical activities, and physical education—are valued equally.

All students are required to take a variety of disciplines as part of the program, which also gives them a lot of choice. English, mathematics, science, and languages continue to be at the center of the curriculum.

Additionally, there is a strong concentration on the artistic topics, and students who excel in these fields might devote a lot of their time to studying them while others can choose to pursue more academic courses.

Some students may feel as though the start of the GCSE program is a step up, but Bede's Fifth Form tutors put forth a lot of effort to make sure that students are working to achieve their goals, identifying ways that the Co-Curricular Programme can support and enrich their academic studies, and participating in the rich pastoral and social opportunities.

Regardless of the courses that students chose to take in the Lower Fifth, there is still an opportunity for every student in the Fifth Form to develop and grow, to look for true areas of specialization, and to come out at the end of two years of study prepared to face the challenges of the Sixth Form.

For fifteen years, Bede's has successfully run a Pre-Sixth Programme for students from abroad. This program has welcomed hundreds of students to Bede's over the past ten years from all around the world.

The current Pre Sixth Programme requires students to complete 5 GCSEs in a single year. The major topics are Economics, English Language, Mathematics, Science, and Art and Design. Some students also choose to study a second language GCSE during activity time.

Unquestionably one of the most difficult academic transitions for young people is from GCSE to Sixth Form study.

As a result, it is crucial that kids choose courses they will love and be successful in while also leaving as many alternatives open as possible for when they enter further school or the workforce.

Each member of the Bede's Sixth Form staff has a wealth of knowledge and is accustomed to assisting students as they take on the many difficulties that lie ahead of them.

Life in the sixth form is different from that of the GCSE years because the students are now young adults. As a result, the relationships they have with teachers tend to grow dramatically. In addition to giving regular classes, Bede's staff members relish the chance to work one-on-one with students to make sure they comprehend key ideas and are headed in the right direction.

Bede’s School
Bede’s School

School Life in Bede’s School

Activities can be divided into four groups: sports, enrichment, academic, and visual and performing arts. Every student at the school is required to sign up for three extracurricular activities each week, and we suggest a variety of activities with at least one being a sport or exercise option. You'll notice that these are noted in each section individually because some activities are only appropriate for particular year groups. It has never been more crucial to pursue interests outside of school to complement Bede's academic program.

Students at Bede's are involved in giving local citizens IT training, teaching English, Art, and Music at nearby elementary schools, working with Gurkhas in Nepal, and assisting with rhino conservation in South Africa through the innovative Community Links program and House Charity system.

Whether it's a team sport or an individual sport, Bede encourages all students to choose at least one sporting activity since sports are crucial to staying fit and active. Bede wants to make the most of the upcoming months for those students who are sports-crazed. For everyone else, Bede's wants you to maintain your physical fitness because Bede's firmly believes that everyone should be active.

Academic activities offer students the ability to supplement their academics, push them farther, or extend them as part of an exceptional extracurricular program. Among the many Academic Activities include learning Japanese, preparing for A-Level Math, and applying for admission to Oxbridge. Students might participate in a film club, visit Bede's wonderful zoo, or brush up on their baking techniques (and hopefully bake some cakes for parents to enjoy).

The performing and creative arts activities are the last category. Some of the highlights include the variety of dance-related activities offered by our excellent Legat teachers, the availability of socially isolated choirs and bands in the music department, and the presence of the art department at every activity.

Bede’s School
Bede’s School

Future Prospects after study in Bede’s School

When Bedians graduate from school, the Careers and Employability Service is committed to creating a high-quality and innovative CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice, and Guidance) provision for them all, whether they have plans to attend university, take a gap year, complete an apprenticeship, or start working.

The Lower Sixth students will take part in Futures Week near the end of the year. A week of hands-on workshops, lectures, and seminars is being held this week to help students get ready for the challenges they will face in school and in life after Bede's. For instance, students can take part in a half-day interactive program with a simulated assessment center and practice interviews. 

Many students will be concentrating on college applications in the Upper Sixth (supported by Bede's Director of Higher Education). Additionally, there will be a number of students who are thinking about other options, such as apprenticeships or gap years. Advice will be available to make sure that these experiences are as meaningful as possible and that the most comprehensive guidance on apprenticeship opportunities is also available.




In case, if you need help with Guardianship and Homestay in order to study in the UK and Bede’s School, please fill in application below or contact us directly.


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