Epsom College

Epsom College

Epsom College
Epsom College

Epsom College

Epsom College is a coed, independent school serving students in grades 11 through 18 and is situated on Epsom Downs in Surrey, England. To assist poor members of the medical community, such as elderly and orphans, it was founded as a boys' school in 1853. ("Foundationers"). In the senior (14 to 18) phase of the school, 5 of the 13 houses at Epsom College have some residential students. The Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference includes the headmistress.

It was established in 1855 to help underprivileged medical professionals. The school began accepting students whose parents did not work in medicine in the 1860s. With these changes, the institution will eventually turn into a public school in the modern sense.


Programs in Epsom College

The Lower School is the perfect transitional program between junior and secondary education for students in Years 7 and 8. The goal of Epsom College is to make sure that your child has a strong foundation for the remaining two years of their time there throughout these first two years.

Your kid will spend most of their time in the specially designed Lower School building, but they will also participate in a variety of classes and activities in the studios, classrooms, and laboratories located in the major College departments.

In coed sessions, students will be taught alongside students from various form groups. All classes, with the exception of math and language, are mixed ability.

Three times a week, on Monday afternoon, Wednesday afternoon, and Saturday morning, games and/or fixtures are held. Epsom College is proud of its high participation rates and frequently fields C and D teams to provide all students the opportunity to compete for the school, even if it's in a sport they've never played before.

Each day, your kid will receive three assignments (referred to as prep by Epsom College). It should never take your child longer than an hour to finish because teachers are asked to keep each activity to roughly 20 minutes. This implies that everything should be complete within the daily Supervised Prep periods.

The Senior School begins in Year 9, which is also when GCSE preparations commence. Exams are crucial, but these years are not just about exams. The extensive co-curricular program at Epsom College offers a wealth of chances to hone leadership abilities, try new things, and uncover hidden talents.

Years 10 and 11 are dedicated to studying for the GCSEs, which are prepared for in Year 9. (Upper Fourth and Fifth Form, in Epsom-speak).

Epsom College
Epsom College

Ten GCSEs or IGCSEs will be studied by all Year 10 students. Three are optional, while seven are required. Everyone will also continue taking physical education classes and following the PSHE curriculum.In late January of Year 9, students and parents are invited to a GCSE Choices Information Evening. Afterward, decisions are made in February.Your academic advisors and tutors will be glad to walk you through your alternatives. They can assist you in making the best decisions possible while taking into account any plans you may have for your A-levels or, for those who are thinking that far ahead, higher education and careers.All ninth-graders participate in the CCF (Combined Cadet Force) during the summer session, where they develop skills including orienteering, adventure training, and campcraft. The goal is to cultivate vital life qualities including leadership, teamwork, and service. Students make a decision around the end of the semester regarding whether they will spend Years 10 and 11 as a member of an Army, Navy, or Air Force CCF Section or pursuing their Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award.

Leadership, A-levels, and preparing for life after Epsom College... Whether you are transferring from the Fifth Form or entering Epsom College from another school, these two years are an exciting time and the culmination of everything you have worked for.

The two year groups each include about 380 students, which enables everyone to get individualized attention while also being a member of a vibrant, diverse community.

The primary goal of sixth-form courses is academic aspiration. Epsom College wants to motivate you to become a curious, self-directed learner who graduates prepared to succeed in college and beyond.

You will work with a personal academic tutor who will keep track of your progress, set goals with you, and ensure that the best working procedures are followed. You will have numerous one-on-one meetings with your tutor, but it is essential that you control the process.

At A-level, you will study three principal subjects (four if you choose Maths and Further Maths). A choice from the Core Curriculum will be added on top of these to provide breadth and help you build the abilities you'll need for the future.

A clear recommendation from Epsom College, which closely collaborates with Russell Group universities, is that three subjects are ideal. Universities base their admissions decisions on these three topics, and taking them allows students to delve deeply into their chosen fields while still having time each week to take advantage of the variety of options Epsom College has to offer.

Employers and admissions tutors prefer to work with applicants who are well-rounded and have a variety of experiences outside the classroom. The balance of the curriculum, in the opinion of Epsom College, gives you the best possibility of accomplishing this.

Students gain from an engaging enrichment program outside of A-levels. Epsom College naturally strives for the best marks, but what Epsom College truly views as a success is aiding in the development of outstanding individuals. Young people who are well-rounded, academically adventurous, independent, and socially conscious are developed with the support of the sixth form.

You will serve as a mentor to younger students, assume leadership positions in a number of the 150+ extracurricular activities offered at Epsom College, plan social and charitable events, direct plays, head committees, and participate actively in the service in the community program.

Epsom College
Epsom College

School Life in Epsom College

Every day concludes with a co-curricular activity of some kind. This curriculum has received multiple honors recently, including being named one of the "best of the best" private schools in the UK by The Week magazine. Between "activities" and "carousel," students move. The student chooses their own activities from among a wide range (more than 150) that includes sports, drama, culture, academic, and creative endeavors. All students participate in "Carousel" activities in a rotating fashion. Each semester, students typically alternate between two different carousel activities. Due to this mix, students can pursue their interests and passions while also learning how to face new situations and obstacles with greater openness. Activities are scheduled from 4.10 to 5.55 pm, Monday through Friday. With more than 150 clubs, activities, and societies available year-round, the selection is vast. Sixth Form students at Epsom College have the ability to establish themselves as senior members of the Epsom College community and leaders through the co-curricular program. There are chances to run organizations, clubs, and societies. You can assist in leading classes, directing performances, and mentoring younger students.

Additionally, you can present your ideas to the Head of Sixth Form if you believe there is a gap in the curriculum. Epsom College will provide the time, support, and (sometimes) financial resources necessary to realize your project if it is determined to be worthwhile. Amnesty International, Charity Committee, African, Caribbean, Asian and Allies Society, Climate Committee, and LGBTQIA+ Committee are just a few of the student-led organizations that got their start in this manner.

The co-curricular program at Epsom College has received numerous honors lately. Students have more options than they could ever hope to experience at these independent schools, which The Week magazine has dubbed "the finest of the best" in independent education.

Senior years, or Years 10 and higher, are when students begin to assume leadership roles. They mentor academic societies or collaborate with younger students, such as when directing plays.

Additionally, students can submit a bid to found their own society if an intense enthusiasm isn't satisfied by what is offered. Just a few current examples include the Diversity, Equality and Inclusivity Society, Amnesty International, and the Climate Committee.

Numerous Epsom College groups provide chances to participate in national contests. The STEM Club, for instance, races electric cars at the Goodwood Race Course against schools, universities, and youth organizations each year as part of the UK Rocketry Competition.

Epsom College
Epsom College

Future Prospects after study in Epsom College

The Epsom College Sixth Form serves as a crucial entry point for higher education. In addition to providing specialized support for aspirant medical students and Oxbridge candidates, the committed team offers students one-on-one mentorship for applications to UK, US, and foreign universities. 143 students were sent to some of the best colleges in the world in 2021. Around 10% received offers to attend Oxford or Cambridge over the past five years; 77% attended Russell Group universities (the most popular being Imperial, Durham, UCL, and Exeter); 8% went to US universities like NYU, USC, and Northwestern; and 5% went to other international universities like UHK and Sorbonne.



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