Guardianship Services in UK

Guardianship Services in UK
The Custodian provides guardianship services to minor students, who are studying in the UK on Secondary or Post-Secondary Levels. It is not a secret, that there is a law in the UK, which requires all secondary schools in the UK to have Guardian for all minor students in their school. In order to start education in boarding schools, colleges and Universities in Great Britain, future minor students, who are under 18, must assign UK Guardian, who will be in charge for their stay during their education in Great Britain. Also, in order to provide full package to the future minor students in the UK, our company assists our clients not only with Guardianship Service all over the UK and Ireland, however also provides homestay & accommodation in most popular international student cities. The Custodian has a team of 50 Guardians, who provides Guardianship Services to international students from all over 40 different countries, who are studying in 250 schools in the UK. Families and students, who need assistance with admission to school, we also can provide free service with aim to get admission for our clients to our partner schools. Currently. The Custodian has around 200 partner schools in the UK and may assist with acceptance during the 1-2 weeks. The last, but not least, our company has a team of immigration professionals, who can assist our clients with study visa and immigration status in the UK. The Custodian
Guardianship Services include, but not limited to:
- Assist with Guardianship services application and special forms for future school or college in the UK
- Be in contact with family and student 24/7 for any questions
- Control the grades, performance and well being of the student in the school and outside
- Be in charge of communication with Homestay, school, parents and other people, who are connected to the student for any questions
- Meeting with student, in case of emergency, with aim to help to deal with unusual situation
- Assist school with required documents, signatures, applications and requirements
- Arrange the airport pick up and drop off
- Arrange Homestay and Accommodation options for the minor student in the UK
- All other inquiries, according to Parents, school and student preferences
In case, if you need help from our company, regarding the timely and quality Guardianship Services in the UK, please fill in application below or contact us directly.