Kilgraston School

Kilgraston School

Kilgraston School
Kilgraston School

Kilgraston School

Boys and girls between the ages of 5 and 12 can attend the independent boarding and day school Kilgraston School, and girls alone from the age of 5 to 18 can attend. Only girls who are eight years old and older may board. The school is located at Bridge of Earn, 3 miles south of Perth, in a stately house surrounded by 72 acres of parkland.

It's the only Catholic secondary boarding school in Scotland, and it's in the Dunkeld Diocese. The school collaborates on occasion to host social events and other activities with the boys' school Merchiston Castle School in Edinburgh. The only school in Scotland with an on-site equestrian center is Kilgraston School, which also has robust music and art departments as well as academies for hockey, tennis, and swimming.

Programs in Kilgraston School

The Scottish Curriculum for Excellence serves as the foundation for the junior years at Kilgraston School. The school is privileged to be able to utilize the absolute best from contemporary educational practice worldwide and adjust it to the requirements of the students thanks to the small classrooms, high staff to pupil ratio, and access to specialist teachers from the Kindergarten class onward.Due to its beautiful location, Kilgraston School places a strong emphasis on outdoor learning opportunities for every year group and is currently establishing an outdoor classroom area on the grounds. Via projects, classes, and groups, Kilgraston School fosters in its students a deep concern for environmental preservation.The Junior School students at Kilgraston School are taught the value of Fairtrade business and participate in Fairtrade purchases and sales as part of the "Fairtrade Schools Award," which places a strong emphasis on ethical enterprise operations. The Sacred Heart Objectives serve as the foundation for all that Kilgraston School undertakes, and the school links these goals to its academic, social, creative, athletic, and entrepreneurial endeavors.

Children are encouraged to work individually and in small groups to question, investigate, enquire, and communicate as part of the challenging and exciting curriculum that Kilgraston School has designed. The school emphasizes practical, meaningful math instruction so that students learn through their mathematical exploration. The children experience a wide variety of forms of literacy throughout school, and the English courses help them to enjoy the written and spoken word. Kilgraston School promotes clean writing and starts teaching touch typing to students who feel this is a more professional approach to show their work.

Children at Kilgraston School have access to desktop, laptop, and tablet computers while learning IT skills. Projectors and smart boards are available in every junior year classroom. Students study local history and geography in social studies classes, as well as different communities and civilizations. Kids learn how to compare lives and conduct their own independent study on these topics. Each term, Kilgraston School sends the kids on a field trip associated with these topics. In Upper 3, the kids go on overnight stays.

Little experiments conducted in class lead to the beginnings of scientific discovery, which then progresses to practical science lectures taught by experts in the Senior School's laboratories. From the Reception level onward, French is taught by class teachers through songs and games before moving on to written French and specialized instruction. Religious Education is taught in the school, and different world religions and ideologies are examined. Every week, there are two assemblies for the junior school and a whole school assembly at Kilgraston School. Regular class discussions with the students' teachers about health and wellbeing issues.

The Scottish curriculum, which leads to Nationals, Highers, and Advanced Highers, is available at Kilgraston School. This offers depth at the Advanced Higher level as well as breadth at the National and Higher levels.

The history of the Scottish Examination system is extensive. The top universities in the world hold it in great respect. Have a look at the academic success and accomplishments of Kilgraston School graduates at a variety of prominent universities in the UK and abroad.

Curriculum for Excellence serves as the foundation for instruction. Departments, however, would anticipate teaching material outside the prescribed curriculum by U4 (S2/Y9).

The Upper Fourth is a crucial year in a student's education. Students will be urged to work more independently and to take accountability for their choices. Students will have challenges outside of the classroom as well, with a demand that they participate completely in school activities. Upper Fourth graders take a thorough general education course. There is a broad selection of courses in the humanities, sciences, and arts. The option exists to learn French along with either Spanish or German. Their work will be evaluated throughout the year, and students will take CAT Tests, internal exams, and GL evaluations in math and english during the summer term.

The majority of females take eight or nine Nationals in the Fifth Forms (S3/S4). The core subjects are English, RE, and mathematics. The students then select six selections from a variety of other subjects. Whereas National 5 courses are graded A-D, National 4 courses are given a pass or fail evaluation.

In terms of the courses and levels covered, the curriculum is adaptable and created to match the specific needs of each student.

The culmination of a student's academic career is the sixth form at Kilgraston School. Students can take two years to study the subjects of their choice, learn how to manage their time between work and play, pursue their hobbies, and make plans for the future. They are being pushed to grow in their independence, feeling of responsibility, and burgeoning self-assurance. In this regard, the Sixth Form serves as a superb basis for the total independence that a university education demands.

Sixth form students take four or five Highers in L6. The girls will subsequently enroll in Advanced Highers or brand-new Higher topics in the U6. There are many different disciplines available, and each student will be urged to round out their selections with a variety of extracurricular pursuits.

Kilgraston School
Kilgraston School

School Life in Kilgraston School

The School is pleased with the breadth of its club and extracurricular offerings. This serves as an essential complement to the academic program and enables kids to take risks, cultivate lifelong skills, and engage in a wide variety of stimulating and energizing activities, passions, and hobbies. Each one enhances the formal instruction the School offers.

Major concerts, theatrical shows, recitals, musical competitions, and ambitious performances overseas, most notably at the Vatican in Rome when the school choir sang Mass, are all part of the Clubs and Activities curriculum.

With 50 different activities supported by the school, students have a wide range of options and opportunities. They consist of initiatives to promote social consciousness. This has included, for instance, being there during the aftermath of major natural disasters like the Nepal earthquake and actively assisting NGOs.

Examining the value of entrepreneurship and gaining knowledge of moral and ethical business practices are additional social awareness activities for students of all age groups.

A crucial component of the clubs and activities program is competitive athletic participation, which builds on the skills of the School's outstanding sports coaches.

The School's students organize fundraising events at significant school functions and support a number of charities. The school is especially committed to Mary's Meals, a Scottish charity that feeds kids at school in many of the world's poorest regions.

In 2013, the School received recognition as a Fair Trade institution. As a school and as individual members of the school community, Kilgraston School prefers to purchase Fair Trade goods in order to demonstrate its support for the primary producers in developing nations. The school works to improve the lives of factory workers and farmers all around the world, providing them and their offspring hope for a better future. By doing this, Kilgraston School is demonstrating its dedication to the objective of social awareness.

Future Prospects

Although the majority of Kilgraston School graduates continue their education at a university, the school strives to provide each graduate a realistic and practical understanding of life after Kilgraston School.

Choosing a major and a job is challenging. Kilgraston School is aware of this, and as part of its PSHE and Sixth Form Studies programs, the school spends time with girls to assist them in making these crucial decisions.

From Lower 4 to Upper 6, the PSHE curriculum includes a careers platform called Unifrog, which the school is a part of. This gives us the opportunity to assist the girls in developing a portfolio of talents, gives them access to super-curriculum courses, software to help them create their CVs, and gives them a plethora of knowledge about rewarding post-secondary options.

The Sixth Form alumni have been accepted to several prestigious universities in the UK and abroad. These universities include Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College London, and the University of Waterloo in Canada, as well as Edinburgh, St. Andrews, and Glasgow. 52% of the girls attended a prominent Russell Group institution in 2021, and 58% of the girls are currently enrolled in a STEM undergraduate program. In 2021, 96% of the girls received acceptances to their top-choice university programs.


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