King William’s College

King William’s College

King William's College
King William's College

King William's College

Located close to Castletown on the Island of Man, King William's College is an independent school serving students from the ages of 3 to 18. It belongs to the Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference as well as the International Baccalaureate.

The College has two locations in or close to Castletown where it conducts business: the main senior school campus on the beach of Castletown Bay, and The Buchan School, a prep school located in Westhill, two miles from the main campus. The College was initially exclusively for boys before becoming coed in the 1980s. It has about 500 students, many of whom are from outside the British Isles.


The Tiny Seeds are located in a setting that is truly a "home away from home." This can be found in the Nursery. Most Tiny Seeds are traveling for the first time ever. For young children to interact and play with others, King William's College's dedicated team creates a very caring yet exciting environment.

The Seedlings environment is set up to offer a variety of activities for social, emotional, and personal growth. King William's College combines a variety of activities that adhere to the EYFS's three primary areas to provide opportunity for young minds to be stimulated and young bodies to be kept active. Together with you, King William's College helps the seedlings develop into sunflowers.

King William's College offers a blend of child-initiated and adult-led activities to help children learn about a variety of subjects and ideas through discovery and play. King William's College promotes inquiry-based learning and critical thinking through experimentation. King William's College will aid in preparing the children for their next stage of Pre-Prep or Reception with the help of the devoted, experienced, and highly skilled Pre-School professionals. Each activity is planned to address each of the EYFS's seven learning domains (Early Years Foundation Stage).

The Buchan School offers specialized instruction and resources in drama, music, languages, art, design and technology, ICT, sport, and a variety of other areas in addition to the main core courses.

The Reception, Year 1, and Year 2 courses are housed in the King William's College Pre-Prep Department, which is a welcoming environment where each child is encouraged to reach their potential.

Pre-prep classes at King William's College have an average student-teacher ratio of 10:1, a pre-prep class size average of 13, and a broad and balanced curriculum that fosters each student's confidence and independence. King William's College makes a concerted effort to raise self-esteem in order to give the kids a sense of accomplishment and self-assurance.

The teachers at King William's College are adept at determining each student's unique level of development and then facilitating their advancement at their own speed in order to maximize their potential. All children receive instruction in swimming, art, drama, music, IT, PE, French, baking and food work, and bushcraft from subject-specialist teachers.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum, which is centered on four themes—A Unique Child, Good Relationships, Enabling Environments, and Learning and Development—is adopted by Pre-Prep 1 (Reception). Moreover, there are Prime and Specialized Areas of Learning and Development in the curriculum. In order to motivate and involve the kids in more in-depth learning and thinking, whenever practical, we exploit their hobbies.

Children are urged to learn through play and worthwhile "hands-on" experiences in real life. Every P1 student has access to Tapestry, a personalized online learning journey that stores images, observations, and comments in accordance with the EYFS curriculum.

Pre-Prep 2 (Year 1) and Pre-Prep 3 (Year 2) students at King William's College get instruction from their class teacher in small groups with specialists in the subjects of art, bush craft, drama, music, physical education, and languages. The curriculum is customized for each student, and it is further expanded by the availability of after-school activities and individual music instruction. Moreover, Pre-Prep 3 students may participate in the School Council and the Buchan Badge Program.

Students pick up information in various ways and at various rates. Some kids learn better visually, others more auditorily, and some more kinaesthetically. King William's College is aware that, wherever it's practical, learning must occur through actual "doing." For this reason, educators urge students to grow through hands-on research and activities. King William's College is aware that the curriculum should be centered on your child's interests.

The curriculum at the Prep Department is well-rounded and balanced. It encourages students' moral, cultural, intellectual, spiritual, and physical growth and gets them ready for adult life's chances, responsibilities, and experiences. The curriculum is interesting and special as well. It gives students the chance to focus on their studies while still having access to the distinctive Buchan Badge and Buchan Baccalaureate curriculum.

A group of specialized teachers who have access to various specialized facilities support the program. The three foundational topics of math, English, and science are given extra attention at King William's College in Buchan. Every week, a specific Theatre session is held. Spanish is currently provided to Form 3 (Year 5) and Form 4 (Year 6) students as a weekly class, and French is taught twice weekly. Also, there are after-school Latin programs available.

Year 7 (Lower Fourth) and Year 8 are represented by the Fourth Form at King William's College (Upper Fourth). A form tutor is assigned to each class who is always available to look out for the pupils' best interests. Eight tutor groups made up of Lower and Upper Fourth pupils are typical. The form tutors keep a careful eye on the pupils under their supervision, assessing academic progress and pastoral issues and regularly updating the Head of Year.

PE, Young Enterprise, Theatre, and Personal, Social, Health, and Economic Education all have scheduled courses (PSHE). Adventure Training is started in Upper Fourth (U4) for two classes a week as a means of getting students ready for the Duke of Edinburgh's Award and Combined Cadet Force (CCF) activities.

The Lower Fifth (Year 9) is followed by the Middle Fifth (Year 10) and the Upper Fifth (Year 11) in the Fifth Form at King William's College (Year 11). Each year the group has its own area in the Raglan Fifth Form Centre, which is located in the center of the school. The tutor assigned to each fifth former stays with them during their entire time in the fifth form. The tutor is an important figure in the life of the student; they meet with their tutees on a regular basis and serve as the parents' main point of contact. Most students at King William's College study a total of 10 or 11 topics to (I)GCSE level in the Fifth Form, which offers a broad and balanced curriculum.

The Pre-IB program's goal is to give overseas students the linguistic proficiency and academic grounding they need to succeed in earning the International Baccalaureate Diploma. Students who complete the year successfully will automatically be given a spot to pursue the IB in the Sixth Form.

King William's College
King William's College

School Life

The kids have access to a wide choice of extracurricular activities each term that cater to a variety of interests and abilities. The after-school groups are the ideal place to explore new interests and learn new skills. Every day from 3.30 pm to 4.30 pm, the clubs are open.

The expansive forested environment at King William's College is ideal for outdoor activities that let kids utilize their imaginations, hone important physical abilities, and appreciate everything that nature has to offer. At The Buchan School, outdoor playtime is a crucial part of the curriculum.

The school holds student art exhibitions and plans specialized field trips to places like theaters and art galleries. Also, there is the chance to enter a variety of art competitions.

In The Buchan School, drama is a crucial component of the curriculum and is hugely popular. Each week, Pre-Prep students participate in a drama class that focuses on entertaining activities while fostering confidence, clarity of speech, group dynamics, and interactive storytelling. The youngsters start studying Greek mythology and the history of drama and theater in Pre-Prep 1 class. The playfulness of A Midsummer Night's Dream and The Tempest even serves as an introduction to Shakespeare. This continues through the Renaissance and the mask work of Commedia dell'Arte.

King William's College
King William's College

Future Prospects

Prior to the student's transition to King William's College, close communication with the student's primary school enables early identification of the needs of the student. Parents of children enrolling in college from outside the Island or moving there are urged to describe any difficulties their children may be experiencing so that the college can provide appropriate help.

Regular assessments and twice-yearly internal tests are used to track progress. The majority of students continue on to take 10 topics at (I)GCSE, and there are several possibilities besides the core subjects. This gives the Sixth Form, where every student studies for the International Baccalaureate Diploma, a solid basis. Exam results are consistently excellent and far higher than the national average. Each year, over 95% of students in the UK and overseas continue on to higher education, and they frequently get accepted to the top universities.


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