King’s College Taunton

King’s College Taunton

King's College Taunton
King's College Taunton

King's College Taunton

In Taunton, Somerset, UK, there is a private, coed secondary day and boarding school called King's College Taunton. It is a member school of the Woodard Corporation and enrolls roughly 450 students, including about 300 boarders, in grades 13 through 18. King's Hall School is a prep school linked with it.

The Chapel, which was built starting in 1903 and was designed by W. E. Tower with later additions in 1936 and 1986, is one of the most significant features of King's College Taunton.


A kid begins an experience that will build the groundwork for all future learning the moment they join the Pre-Prep family. Never undervalue a child's formative years; King's College Taunton enjoys the challenge of creating learning opportunities that are so alluring that students can't help but go in headfirst and consume them.

This begins with the advantageous small class sizes that allow teachers to get to know their students very well. As a result, King's College Taunton can customize each student's experience to suit their unique needs and learning preferences. The good staffing ratios—each year group is supported by a full-time teaching assistant, resulting in an average adult-to-student ratio of 1:8—additionally contribute to this. There is little likelihood of anything but success when there are so many knowledgeable eyes monitoring children's growth and development.

Outside of the classroom, students at King's College Taunton Forest School are seen investigating, taking risks, developing critical skills, using what they've learned to solve problems, and adapting what they've learned to new settings. Educational excursions to local businesses, museums, and beaches (to name a few!) can assist to make learning more relevant and give students the hands-on, practical experiences that are essential for comprehension and knowledge.

Every Friday afternoon, Golden Time is held. The students are allowed to bring in a little toy or game to share with their friends as a prize for a week of hard work. Electronic devices and similar items are the only exceptions since King's College Taunton wants this time to be inclusive to all social groups.

Friday assemblies are where merit badges are given out. The next Friday, they are proudly returned after being worn all week. Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 teachers recommend two students per week who have impressed them with their work, conduct, or attitude. For their diligence, effort, and behavior, students in Years 1 and 2 are also given Star Awards.

The traditional house systems allow for complete integration of day and boarding students, and there are various opportunities for students who don't typically board to join their peers during special year group boarding nights.

All kids can choose from a wide range of after-school and weekend activities. Many students decide to engage with peers outside of the classroom when they are picking up new skills or exploring interests. Whether someone is artistic or musical, captivated by animals or crazy about arithmetic, there is something for everyone.

King's Hall School's visual center is the art department, where students are encouraged to think imaginatively and creatively, to develop enquiring minds, and to work with a variety of mediums and tools to produce projects in 2D and 3D as well as digitally and using computers.

The computing curriculum at King's College Taunton aims to develop children's critical thinking, creativity, and self-assurance so that they will succeed in college and in life. It is crucial to educate current King's Hall students about computers, the internet, and its advantages because they will be the future doctors, engineers, and businesspeople.

Students will get a more comprehensive understanding of design and technology starting in Year 3. (DT). The students have the chance to work with a variety of tools and materials, including wood, plastic, fabrics, card, and electrical components, in a specialized workshop. The students engage in a comprehensive and engaging curriculum that introduces them to designing and making in a fun and fascinating way while also receiving guidance on how to handle tools safely and confidently.

Every week, all kids participate in a theater lesson where practical activities promote imaginative play and creative expression. The goal is to help students develop their skills and knowledge of the art form. Nevertheless, improving performance abilities is just one component of the work covered in the theater curriculum. Even while this is fascinating, it is believed that even more emphasis should be placed on raising confident, considerate youngsters who use drama to better understand and develop themselves.

Within a boarding house, the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Forms are split into two tutor groups. Each tutor meets formally with the seven or eight students they coach and support twice a week. The meetings adhere to a schedule created by the Senior Tutor to promote the student's academic development and to match the PSHE program in providing advice and support as they traverse adolescence.

Since every tutor is associated with the home in which they teach, they are ideally situated to pay close attention to every element of a student's school life. By assisting their tutees in taking advantage of the many opportunities available at King's College Taunton, tutors support their tutees not only in their academic work but also in their social and extracurricular pursuits.

Academically demanding work is done in the Sixth Form, and King's College Taunton has high standards for all students taking A-levels. Traditional disciplines are taught at King's College Taunton in small groups of 12 to 16 students. The instructors are passionate educators with advanced degrees who are committed to fostering greatness in their fields.

King's College Taunton emphasizes self-directed learning while offering attentive assistance to enhance students' motivation. Tutors in the classroom and a study skills program help to foster this independence.

Most students choose to study three topics at A-level, although others prefer to study four. From the beginning, careful guidance is provided to make sure that decisions suit the individual in question and fulfill the requirements of well-liked courses at prominent universities. The extended project is recommended for students in addition to the three core A-levels.

The courses covered by the BTEC Extended Diploma in Sport include Art and Design, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Economics, English Literature, Geography, Product Design, Drama and Theatre Studies, History, Latin, Mathematics and Further Math, Photography, Physical Education, Modern Languages, Music, Music Technology, Physics, and Psychology.

King's College Taunton
King's College Taunton

School Life in King's College Taunton

Individual music instruction and the King's College Taunton interests program are both options for extracurriculars. This includes athletes who excel in rugby, ballet, Tae Kwon Do, chorus, sports, mindfulness, dance, and dance club.

The King's College Taunton Tea Time (TT) Club is open to kids as well. If both parents are employed, sessions can be scheduled in advance or on the day care is needed. Children are able to participate in these diverse activities while being watched over by trained professionals thanks to this flexible approach, which is crucial to meeting the needs of families that are becoming more and more busy.

Students participate in a variety of sports, participate in plays, and perform in a variety of musical ensembles. They also get the chance to travel the world for intellectual and athletic excursions and develop their leadership skills by joining King's College Taunton's CCF section.

King's College Taunton is concerned that students who graduate from the Sixth Form will be well-prepared for college and life beyond. Leiths cooking, wine tasting, and other domestic arts are all part of King's College Taunton's wide life-skills curriculum, which also covers money, etiquette, finances, and public speaking. Senior students are invited to alumni functions where they frequently establish very beneficial professional connections and set up seasonal employment.

Debate, music, general knowledge tests, and teams for public speaking, Philosothon, and inter-school debate are among the inter-house competitions. In addition to operating their own societies outside of the formal curriculum, many academic departments also do so.

Future Prospects

King's College Taunton offers a top-notch UCAS application support and guidance program. The Sixth Form's detailed, targeted guidance ensures that students make informed decisions about their future.

A whirlwind of weekly meetings helps them make decisions, and King's College Taunton students consistently get accepted to the schools of their choice. From the first A-level choice selection to potential changes of direction once they receive their final results, guidance is offered.

The Head of Futures, Mr. Mack, makes sure that there is a consistent schedule of activity and support, including Career Breakfasts that allow students the chance to interact with professionals from other professions and more thoroughly explore their possibilities and interests.

Students have access to the best courses at the best universities every year. They appear eager to hire from King's College Taunton, and many of the students attend Russell Group institutions including Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial, LSE, and others. Several students from King's College Taunton transfer to institutions in the United States and Europe, albeit it is still a modest proportion.


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